
Monday, July 28, 2014

Another New Adventure...


Another new adventure is beginning for me...

As some of you know my shop has been on ArtFire for almost two years, sales have been slow (unless I'm doing a giveaway of some sorts) and the boutique deal sites I attempted did not work out for me at all....

I was scrolling through my Instagram feed and a jewelry friend of mine just hit 5000 sales... yes you read that correctly... 5000 sales on I asked her for some tips and was not expecting the next thing she sent me...

She had tried ArtFire last year for the busy holiday season (3 months) just to try it out to get her products out there on another venue, she had 13 sales...(awesome! I thought, until I read the next line...) on Etsy she was having 13 SALES A DAY!!!! maybe what I had been wondering all along was true...even though it's much more inexpensive to have a shop on ArtFire, the traffic just isn't there...

Believe me, I try to do it myself, with this blog, my Facebook, my Instagram, donating to auctions, but it is not working in my favor at all...

So for the past two weeks I have been reading, reading a lot, retaking photos, re-editing/re-sizing photos, and last Sunday I bit the bullet and opened my Etsy shop!!!

Three days later, I had my FIRST SALE!!!  Only three days! And it was a complete stranger too! (not a client, FB or IG friend I mean)  I was over the moon excited and a little in disbelief!  

So all week after work, on my days off and this past weekend I have been listing pieces in my Etsy shop and slowly deleting items from ArtFire.  I thought it was going to be easy-peezy but it has been like starting from scratch...for over 400 items...

The nice thing about all this is I have been able to take some photos of pieces I had never listed before and I'm excited again.  I had lost that.  With all the disappointment of the boutique deals, every sale I try to promote with no results at all, I was feeling discouraged, but I'm once again excited about my shop!

Don't get me wrong, I love to create jewelry, that excitement never goes away, but now the possibility of actually having people interested in my pieces enough to purchase them excites me again!

I have yet to change my link on the sidebar to my new Etsy shop...I'm thinking I might just go with cute little icons instead, but that will have to wait until I can get some more listing done...

If you would like to check out my new shop the link is and then you could pop back here and let me know what you think!

Sorry no photos again, but I think I will have some new pieces to share next post...I might take a break from listing to create in the next few weeks and try to pace myself a bit :)

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you! And now I'm seeing THREE SALES on Etsy??????
